Siemens AG - Processing and Testing of TMR-Sensor Elements
Dr. Manfred Rührig (CT T DE HW3)
Dr. Roland Weiss (CT T DE HW3)
Dr. Joachim Wecker (ZT MF 1)
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Fleischer (CT T DE)
DMCE GmbH & Co KG - Development of CMOS logic for TMR-biochip
(Danube Mobile Communications Engineering GmbH & Co KG)
Dr. Manfred Meindl
Dr. Marcus Schutti
microfluidic Chipshop GmbH - Design and testing of microfluidic cartridge
Mrs. Nadine Hlawatsch (Director Application)
Mr. Tobias Jahn (Construction / CAD)
Dr. Claudia Gaertner (CEO)
Dr. Holger Becker (CTO)
Infineon AG - Sensor integration and wireless data transfer
Dr. Reinhard Pufall (IFAT OP BE RPA REL3)
Dr. Wolfgang Raberg (IFAT ATV SC D TD)
Hr. Gottfried Beer (IFAG OP ATC PTS IN)
Dr. Gerald Holweg (IFAT DCGR CRE)
Mr. Martin Wiessflecker (IFAT DCGR CRE)
Mr. Walther Pachler (IFAT DCGR CRE)
Bioville GmbH - Consulting and Finance (Parent company of Magna Diagnostics)
Dr. Sonya Faber
Dr. Wilhelm Gerdes
Mr. Bernhard Faber
Fraunhofer IZI - Assay development and laboratory validation
Ms. Natalia Sandetskaya (Nanotechnology Unit)
Dr. Dirk Kuhlmeier (Nanotechnology Unit)
Prof. Dr. Friedemann Horn (Dept. Diagnostics)
Fraunhofer IZM - System integration and development of analysis device
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Seifert (Applikationcentre Smart System Integration)
Mr. Martin Jenerowicz (Applikationcentre Smart System Integration)
Dipl.-Ing. Harald Pötter (Applikationcentre Smart System Integration)
Fraunhofer EMFT - Heterogenous Integration
Dipl. Phys. Josef Weber (Process and Design Integration group)
Dr. Armin Klumpp (Wafer Technology group)
Dr. Peter Ramm (Device and 3D Integration department)
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH - TMR-biosensor development
Dr. Jörg Schotter (Health & Environment Department, Nano Systems)
Mr. Astrit Shoshi (Health & Environment Department, Nano Systems)